数据 / 观察资讯
2024-06-24 16:57 来源:新营养
恒天然全球资深市场经理Joy Zhi评论道:“中老年消费者的健康需求和主动健康意识的不断提升,是行业创新的关键驱动力。特医食品,如针对肌少症的产品,以及助力骨骼和关节、肠道健康、情绪管理和脑部功能的食品,对中老年消费者有着巨大的吸引力。此外,为更年期女性消费者度身定制的营养产品也具备极大的增长潜力。这些中老年营养创新将成为推动健康老龄化背景下行业发展的新机遇。”
不仅原料配方扎实,在包装方面, 全营养配方即饮饮料、中老年高蛋白营养奶昔和高蛋白高钙营养奶昔还采用了重量轻、易存放、开启安全、容易处置且低碳环保的利乐包装,满足了消费者对营养及便携性的双重需求,为他们带来全新体验的同时,也为未来的特殊医学用途配方食品带来了专业的技术保障和应用选择。现场,与会代表在品鉴了由恒天然合作伙伴银河路提供的这些中老年营养产品后,均对其口感、营养和便携性表示肯定。会后,大家还一同前往利乐位于昆山的亚太产品研发中心和WCM世界级管理包装车间参观访问,详细了解了采用利乐包装的特医产品的生产制作过程。
2.Preparing for population ageing in the Western Pacific Region; 2020
(https://www.who.int/westernpacific/news-room/commentaries/detail-hq/preparing-for-population-ageing-in-the-western-pacific-region, accessed 3 June, 2024)
· 关于恒天然集团 ·
· 关于恒天然大中华区 ·
NUTIANI™是恒天然旗下全新的健康营养品牌,不断以科学支持为核心,结合专业知识、临床试验和市场洞察, 为追求整体健康和长寿的消费者提供身体、精神和内在健康的解决方案,并助力客户加速创新以满足消费 者全面健康需求。
Op1: Fonterra works with industry leaders to explore opportunities for healthy aging and middle-aged and elderly food development
Op2: The first Special Medical Nutrition Application Forum for Healthy Aging was launched, and Fonterra and the industry jointly explored growth opportunities
(June 18, 2024, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province) Today, Fonterra held the first "Healthy Aging - Nutrition Application of Formula Food for Special Medical Purposes Forum" in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province. With the theme of "Nutrition Support for Healthy Aging and Disease Prevention", the forum invited China Nutrition and Health Food Association and industry leading enterprises to discuss new opportunities in the industry of healthy aging and special medical nutrition.
Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that by the end of 2022, China's population aged 65 and above has reached 200 million, accounting for 14.9% of the total population[1], according to the WHO's classification criteria for aging[2], has entered the stage of "moderate aging" for the first time in 2021. With the rising trend of population aging, the nutrition and health problems of the elderly are increasingly concerned by all sectors of the society. Nutrition and health for the elderly is an important part of building a healthy China, and it is also a long-term solution to actively cope with the aging population.
In order to support healthy aging and jointly promote the development of nutritious food and special medical formula food industry for middleaged and elderly people, Fonterra has joined hands with the China Nutrition and Health Food Association, Tetra Pak, the world's leading food processing and packaging solutions provider, independent market research agency Mintel and other industry partners. From the aspects of regulation interpretation, industry insight, nutrition solutions, packaging technology, etc., the development potential and industry opportunities of middle-aged and elderly nutrition and special medical use formula food in China are deeply discussed. At the forum, Fonterra also shared the development status and cases of the middle-aged and elderly and special medical food industry in Japan, providing a reference for the development of the domestic industry.
With the growth of age, middle-aged and elderly people will face many health risks. A study by the National Clinical Medical Research Center for Geriatric Diseases found that on average, 1 out of every 8 elderly people in China suffers from sarcopenia (muscle decay syndrome)[3]. Bone and joint problems are also becoming increasingly prominent - according to Mintel's "2024 China Middle-aged and Elderly Health Management Survey", middle-aged and elderly consumers' awareness of treatment of bone and joint problems (that is, the current problem, and the proportion of consumers in management/treatment) ranks top three, second only to eye problems and three high problems, the two problems with the highest rate of disease. Notably, women aged 55 to 59 were also more aware of treatment for bone and joint problems, heart/cardiovascular-related problems, and low immunity issues. In addition, for gut, emotional, and brain-related issues, consumer awareness of preparedness (that is, the proportion of consumers who do not have the problem but are currently actively preventing it) remains high and will increase from 2023[4].
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