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2021-03-17 17:13 来源:新营养
人类一直在寻找冻龄与返老还童秘诀的路上不断探索,却抵抗不过身体机能衰老的命运。衰老为身体器官和细胞功能的逐步退化。中国科学院杨焕明院士认为衰老是人类进化必经的过程,然而决定老化速度的关键在「肠道」,透过肠道年龄,即可知道自己身体老化的程度,给予肠道「肠」保健,以内养外,减缓老化的程度与速度,维持肠道活跃,与身体共同合作打造健康体态。 《国人肠道健康2020年报告》指出,随着饮食精致化、工作压力大与生活型态的改变,过去一年有87.6%的国人具有肠道健康的问题,前五大肠道问题依序为排便不规律、便秘、腹泻、腹胀和消化不良,对肠道健康满意者不到三分之一。打造健康的肠道环境可以透过健康均衡的膳食、补充营养保健食品、乳酸菌发酵制品、生活规律与保持良好的情绪等方法,达到肠道「肠」保健。![](https://cdn.xinyingyang.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/微信图片_20210312161030.png)
[1] 中国营养学会益生菌益生元与健康分会,中国营养学会营养健康研究院(2020)国人肠道健康2020年报告。健康中国营养+联盟。
[2] Frank, D. N., Zhu, W., Sartor, R. B., & Li, E. (2011). Investigating the biological and clinical significance of human dysbioses. Trends in microbiology, 19(9), 427–434.
[3] O'Toole, P. W., & Cooney, J. C. (2008). Probiotic bacteria influence the composition and function of the intestinal microbiota. Interdisciplinary perspectives on infectious diseases, 2008, 175285.
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[5] Rosa, D. D., Dias, M., Grześkowiak, Ł. M., Reis, S. A., Conceição, L. L., & Peluzio, M. (2017). Milk kefir: nutritional, microbiological and health benefits. Nutrition research reviews, 30(1), 82–96.
[6] Sharifi, M., Moridnia, A., Mortazavi, D., Salehi, M., Bagheri, M., & Sheikhi, A. (2017). Kefir: a powerful probiotic with anticancer properties. Medical oncology. 34(11), 183.
[7] Wang, M. C., Zaydi, A. I., Lin, W. H., Lin, J. S., Liong, M. T., & Wu, J. J. (2019). Putative Probiotic strains isolated from kefir improve gastrointestinal health parameters in adults: A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study. Probiotics Antimicro. Prot.
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